HTML Email Signature Form Let’s begin! Language English (US) Woohoo! You've made a custom order for a HTML Email Signature. Please complete this short form and upload your content. If you have any issues uploading, or completing this form, please contact me via [email protected] I'll be in touch within 5-10 business days with your draft signature for review. Business Name* Name* First NameLast Name Your E-mail* [email protected] Contact Phone Number How did you hear about me? Please Select Word of Mouth / Referral I'm a Current Client Google Website Facebook Other Details for the signature Confirm what fields you'd like included and the exact information I should link graphics/hyperlinks to Please list the exact written information you'd like included in your custom signature* Your Website URL* What graphics would you like included?* HeadshotLogoCustom Call To ActionOther Please select your signature layout (* Layout 1Layout 2Layout 3Layout 4Layout 5Layout 6Layout 7Layout 8Layout 9 Please select the web safe font type that is closest to your brand font (see examples to the right)* ArialCourier NewGeorgiaPalatinoTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchetVerdana Please select the icon types that you would like (see examples to the right)* DefaultSquareRoundRound (Outlined)LetterLetter (Square)Letter (Round)Letter (Round Outlined)Word Please provide a short brief in terms of the Call to Action (CTA) section* Please provide some text (if any) for the Disclaimer section Please provide all social platform URL links that you'd like included* Do you have any notes about the overall aesthetic of your email signature? Upload your headshot (if applicable) branding assets, including brand guide, logo, colours, fonts and any additional content you'd like included* Browse FilesDrag and drop files here Choose a file Cancelof I understand there may be some variation between my selected layout and final signature depending on the fields I opt to include* I Agree I confirm all fields required on my signature have been completed* I Agree I understand only one round of amends is included in the signature price* I Agree I understand additional support to install signature will be charged at an ad hoc hourly rate* I Agree My Products prevnext( X ) Custom HTML SignatureSay hello to a beautiful, responsive and clickable email signature that showcases your professionalism.$220.00 Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional SignaturesYou can DIY additional staff signatures after receiving your initial order, or I can do it for you.$40.00 Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Submit Should be Empty: